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Jungpferde in Schweden
[01.05.2009 • Autor: Chantal Jonkergouw]

Chantal Jonkergouw aus den Niederlanden besuchte ihre Jungpferde in Schweden. Dabei gelangen ihr diese tollen Aufnahmen, zu denen sie schreibt: "We were in Sweden last week to see our young horses who are growing up there. They have such a good time and it is a lovely area for them to grown up and develop their muscles. It is something we can not offer them in Holland: Space! And of course I made pictures, which I love to do!  Sweden is a bit behind timewise to get green for spring, so the grass was still quite yellow, which is not so nice for the pictures."

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Tranings-Tipps für Pferd und Reiter
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• Teil 1: Einleitung
• Teil 2: Grundlagen I
• Teil 3: Grundlagen II
• Teil 4: Gangreiten I
• Teil 5: Gangreiten II
• Teil 6: Ausblick